I have a few guesses as to why it took us a while, based on attachment studies. We were separated for a couple of hours at birth, and it took M 3 1/2 weeks to latch. In addition, she was colicky (Dietary intolerances and reflux), and I had pretty significant PPD. The early weeks were rough. I told B that I wanted to give away the cats, the dog, and the baby. I frequently daydreamed about moving to Fiji. Looking back, I feel horrible. But, that's the truth, and I think the only way to move forward from that space is to recognize it and leave it in the past.

Now, we're compadres. Caring for M has become a joy instead of a burden. We wake up smiling at each other. Even daddy has benefitted from this bond. She's more secure with him, too. And while she's waking, she reaches for his arm and looks for his smiles. Words cannot express the joy we experience with our little family.
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